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  焦菊隐是我国著名的戏剧家和翻译家,也是北京人民艺术剧院的创建人和艺术上的奠基人之一。他从青 年时代起就从事进步的戏剧活动,1930年创办了“中华戏曲专科学校”并任校长,致力于中国戏曲研究 及教学改革。1935年至1938年留学法国,曾获巴黎大学文学博士学位。同年回到祖国,从事戏剧教 学和导演工作。新中国成立以后,曾任北京师范大学文学院院长。1952年起,任剧院副院长、总导演和 艺术委员会主任。焦菊隐是一位才识渊博的戏剧艺术大师,对中国古典戏曲和西方戏剧都有精深的研究。翻译过丹钦柯的《文艺·戏剧·生活》、《契诃夫作品选》等。在北京人民艺术剧院,他导演了《虎符》、《蔡文姬》、《武则天》、《龙须沟》、《茶馆》、《关汉卿》、《明朗的天》、《胆剑篇》、《三块钱国币》、 和《智取威虎山》等多部话剧,卓越的艺术成就和鲜明独特的艺术风格,在国际、国内具有很深的影响。焦菊隐的艺术作风和治学态度勤奋严谨,勇于创新,在话剧舞台艺术实践中,他坚持现实主义创作风格,他的表导演创作方式对形成剧院的艺术风格起了决定性作用。他的导演创造,善于吸收中国古典戏曲艺术的美学观点和艺术手法,融会贯通地运用话剧艺术,在话剧民族化的探索上具有着不可磨灭的功绩。

  A great theatre artist and translator, Jiao Juyin was one of the founders of the Beijing People's Art Theatre. He began his activities in drama from an early age.

  In 1930, Jiao established the Peking Traditional Chinese Opera School, where as president he engaged himself in the research of traditional dramas as well as the reform of educational systems.

  In 1935, Jiao entered the Sorbonne in Paris to study humanities.

  Two years later he received his PhD for a thesis on Chinese drama. After the birth of New China, Jiao became Dean of the Humanities college in the Peking Normal University. In 1952, Jiao was appointed vice-president of the Beijing People's Art Theatre.

  Jiao was an erudite dramatist with profound knowledge of Western and Chinese traditional dramas.

  At the Beijing People's Art Theatre, Jiao directed many plays, such as "The Tiger Tally", "Cai Wenji", "Wu Zetian", "Dragon Whisker's Ditch", "Teahouse", "Guan Hanging", "Three-yuan Banknotes".

  Jiao was diligent, vigorous and creative. He idea of "realistically reflecting life on the stage" in directing and performing firmly established the theatre's tradition.

  His exploration of a combination of Chinese traditional drama and modern drama proved to be an indelible contribution to Chinese dramas.(资料来源:人艺网站)

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