03月26日 14:18

    第一章 总 则

    第一条 遵照“积极发展、加强管理、趋利避害、为我所用 ”的基本方针,为建立我国互联网行业自律机制,规范行业从业者行为,依法促进和保障互联网行业健康发展,制定本公约。

    第二条 本公约所称互联网行业是指从事互联网运行服务、应用服务、信息服务、网络产品和网络信息资源的开发、生产以及其他与互联网有关的科研、教育、服务等活动的行业的总称。

    第三条 互联网行业自律的基本原则是爱国、守法、公平、诚信。

    第四条 倡议全行业从业者加入本公约,从维护国家和全行业整体利益的高度出发,积极推进行业自律,创造良好的行业发展环境。 第五条 中国互联网协会作为本公约的执行机构,负责组织实施本公约。

    第二章 自律条款

    第六条 自觉遵守国家有关互联网发展和管理的法律、法规和政策,大力弘扬中华民族优秀文化传统和社会主义精神文明的道德准则,积极推动互联网行业的职业道德建设。

    第七条 鼓励、支持开展合法、公平、有序的行业竞争,反对采用不正当手段进行行业内竞争。

    第八条 自觉维护消费者的合法权益,保守用户信息秘密;不利用用户提供的信息从事任何与向用户作出的承诺无关的活动,不利用技术或其他优势侵犯消费者或用户的合法权益。

    第九条 互联网信息服务者应自觉遵守国家有关互联网信息服务管理的规定,自觉履行互联网信息服务的自律义务:





    第十条 互联网接入服务提供者应对接入的境内外网站信息进行检查监督,拒绝接入发布有害信息的网站,消除有害信息对我国网络用户的不良影响。

    第十一条 互联网上网场所经营者要采取有效措施,营造健康文明的上网环境,引导上网人员特别是青少年健康上网。

    第十二条 互联网信息网络产品制作者要尊重他人的知识产权,反对制作含有有害信息和侵犯他人知识产权的产品。

    第十三条 全行业从业者共同防范计算机恶意代码或破坏性程序在互联网上的传播,反对制作和传播对计算机网络及他人计算机信息系统具有恶意攻击能力的计算机程序,反对非法侵入或破坏他人计算机信息系统。

    第十四条 加强沟通协作,研究、探讨我国互联网行业发展战略,对我国互联网行业的建设、发展和管理提出政策和立法建议。

    第十五条 支持采取各种有效方式,开展互联网行业科研、生产及服务等领域的协作,共同创造良好的行业发展环境。

    第十六条 鼓励企业、科研、教育机构等单位和个人大力开发具有自主知识产权的计算机软件、硬件和各类网络产品等,为我国互联网行业的进一步发展提供有力支持。

    第十七条 积极参与国际合作和交流,参与同行业国际规则的制定,自觉遵守我国签署的国际规则。

    第十八条 自觉接受社会各界对本行业的监督和批评,共同抵制和纠正行业不正之风。

    第三章 公约的执行

    第十九条 中国互联网协会负责组织实施本公约,负责向公约成员单位传递互联网行业管理的法规、政策及行业自律信息,及时向政府主管部门反映成员单位的意愿和要求,维护成员单位的正当利益,组织实施互联网行业自律,并对成员单位遵守本公约的情况进行督促检查。

    第二十条 本公约成员单位应充分尊重并自觉履行本公约的各项自律原则。

    第二十一条 公约成员之间发生争议时,争议各方应本着互谅互让的原则争取以协商的方式解决争议,也可以请求公约执行机构进行调解,自觉维护行业团结,维护行业整体利益。

    第二十二条 本公约成员单位违反本公约的,任何其他成员单位均有权及时向公约执行机构进行检举,要求公约执行机构进行调查;公约执行机构也可以直接进行调查,并将调查结果向全体成员单位公布。

    第二十三条 公约成员单位违反本公约,造成不良影响,经查证属实的,由公约执行机构视不同情况给予在公约成员单位内部通报或取消公约成员资格的处理。

    第二十四条 本公约所有成员单位均有权对公约执行机构执行本公约的合法性和公正性进行监督,有权向执行机构的主管部门检举公约执行机构或其工作人员违反本公约的行为。

    第二十五条 本公约执行机构及成员单位在实施和履行本公约过程中必须遵守国家有关法律、法规。

    第四章 附 则

    第二十六条 本公约经公约发起单位法定代表人或其委托的代表签字后生效,并在生效后的30日内由中国互联网协会向社会公布。

    第二十七条 本公约生效期间,经公约执行机构或本公约十分之一以上成员单位提议,并经三分之二以上成员单位同意,可以对本公约进行修改。

    第二十八条 我国互联网行业从业者接受本公约的自律规则,均可以申请加入本公约;本公约成员单位也可以退出本公约,并通知公约执行机构;公约执行机构定期公布加入及退出本公约的单位名单。

    第二十九条 本公约成员单位可以在本公约之下发起制订各分支行业的自律协议,经公约成员单位同意后,作为本公约的附件公布实施。

    第三十条 本公约由中国互联网协会负责解释。

    第三十一条 本公约自公布之日起施行。

    Public Pledge on Self-discipline for China Internet Industry (Final version)

    Chapter I General

    Article 1 This pledge is made in accordance with the basic principle of “actively promoting development, improving management, preserving what is good while avoiding what is bad and making use of it for our purpose ” in order to establish a self-disciplinary mechanism for China's internet industry, improve the conduct of internet practitioners and promote and ensure the sound development of internet industry according to law.

    Article 2 The term “Internet industry ” as used herein refers to all the activities related to Internet businesses including operation, application, information, development and production of network products and information resources, scientific research, education and services.

    Article 3 The basic principles of self-discipline for Internet industry are patriotism, observance of law, equitableness and trustworthiness.

    Article 4 All the parties are called upon to accede to and actively implement this Pledge on industrial self-discipline and create a favorable environment for the development of Internet businesses in the fundamental interests of the nation and the entire sector.

    Article 5 Internet society of China, as the executing agency of this Pledge, shall be responsible for its implementation.

    Chapter II Provisions of Self-discipline

    Article 6 The state laws, regulations and policies governing the development and administration of Internet shall be observed in earnest and energetic efforts shall be made to carry forward the rich cultural tradition of the Chinese nation and the ethical norms of the socialist cultural civilization in promoting the development of the professional ethics of the Internet industry.

    Article 7 We shall encourage lawful, equitable and orderly competition and oppose intra-sector competition by improper means.

    Article 8 The lawful rights and interests of consumers and the confidentiality of their information shall be protected; the information provided by users shall not be used for any activity other than those as promised to users, and no technology or any other advantage may be used to infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of the consumers or users.

    Article 9 Internet information service providers shall abide by the state regulations on Internet information service management conscientiously and shall fulfil the following disciplinary obligations in respect of Internet information service:

    1. Refraining from producing, posting or disseminating pernicious information that may jeopardize state security and disrupt social stability, contravene laws and regulations and spread superstition and obscenity. Monitor the information publicized by users on websites according to law and remove the harmful information promptly;

    2. Refraining from establishing links to the websites that contain harmful information so as to ensure that the content of the network information is lawful and healthy;

    3. Laws and regulations concerning intellectual property right shall be observed in the course of producing, posting and propagating information on internet;

    4. Encouraging people to use Internet in an ethical way, enhancing the sense of moral of Internet and stopping the flow of harmful information on Internet.

    Article 10 Internet access service providers shall inspect and monitor the information on the domestic and foreign websites that have been accessed to and refuse to access to those websites that disseminate harmful information in order to protect the Internet users of China from the adverse influence of the harmful information.

    Article 11 Operators of Internet access venues shall take effective measures to create a healthy and civilized environment for Internet usage and shall guide the users, especially the teenagers, to use the Internet in a healthy manner.

    Article 12 Producers of Internet information and network product shall respect the intellectual property right of others and shall refrain from producing products that contain harmful information or infringe upon the intellectual property right of others.

    Article 13 All the practitioners in the entire Internet industry shall work together to prevent the malicious computer code and disruptive programs from spreading on the Internet, oppose production and dissemination of computer programs that are capable of malicious attack against computer networks and the computer information systems of others and oppose illegal intrusion into and damaging computer information systems of others.

    Article 14 Efforts shall be made to strengthen communication and collaboration, study and formulate strategies for the development of Internet businesses of our country and propose policy and legislative recommendations for the establishment, development and management of Internet businesses.

    Article 15 Support shall be to taking various effective measures to carry out collaboration in areas such as research, production and service in the Internet industry and to create a favorable environment for Internet development.

    Article 16 Enterprises, research, education and other institutions as well as individuals shall be encouraged to develop computer software, hardware and various network products of self-owned intellectual property right so as to provide strong support to the further development of China Internet industry.

    Article 17 We shall actively participate in international cooperation and exchanges, involve in the development of international rules for Internet industry and observe the international rules to which China has acceded.

    Article 18 We shall accept supervision and criticism over the Internet industry from the public and jointly resist and correct unhealthy practice in Internet industry.

    Chapter III Implementation of the Pledge

    Article 19 Internet Society of China shall be responsible for organizing the implementation of this Pledge, communicating to the member organizations the information related to Internet laws, policies and industry self-disciplines, reporting to the competent authority of the government the wishes and requirements of its members, upholding their lawful interests, organizing the implementation of Internet industry self-disciplines and conducting supervision and inspection on the implementation of this Pledge by its members.

    Article 20 The parties to this Pledge shall abide by and comply with various self-discipline principles embodied in this Pledge.

    Article 21 In the event that dispute arises among the parties to this Pledge, they shall try to seek solutions to the dispute through consultation according to the principle of mutual understanding and compromise, or they may refer the dispute to the executing agency for mediation, with the purpose of safeguarding the industrial unity and the overall interests of the entire industry.

    Article 22 Should one party to this Pledge violate the provisions of this Pledge, any other party may report such violations to the executing agency promptly and may require the executing agency to investigate; the executing agency may also conduct investigations directly and shall make public the findings of such investigations to all the member organizations.

    Article 23 Where negative impact is generated due to the violations of this Pledge by the parties, which is found true, the executing agency shall announce such among the member organizations or revoke the membership, in light of specific circumstances.

    Article 24 All the parties to this Pledge may monitor the legality and impartiality of the executing agency in implementing this Pledge and may report the violations of this Pledge by the executing agency or its staff to the higher-level department of the executing agency.

    Article 25 The executing agency and its member organizations must abide by state laws and regulations in the course of implementing this Pledge.

    Chapter IV Supplementary provisions

    Article 26 This Pledge shall become effective after being signed by the legal persons or the representatives of the founder-members of this Pledge and shall be made public by Internet Society of China within 30 days after it becomes effective.

    Article 27 In the effective period, this Pledge can be amended only when such amendments are proposed by the executing agency or one tenth or above of the member organizations and supported by two third or above of the member organizations.

    Article 28 The Internet practitioners of China that accept the self-disciplinary rules of this Pledge can apply for accession to this Pledge; the parties to this Pledge may also secede from this Pledge and shall notify the executing agency of such accordingly; and the executing agency shall publish the list of the members that accede to or secede from this Pledge on periodical basis.

    Article 29 The member organizations of this Pledge may reach self-disciplinary agreements specific to different segments of the Internet sector under the general framework this Pledge and may publish for implementation such agreements as attachments to this Pledge with the agreement of its member organizations.

    Article 30 The right of interpretation of this Pledge lies with Internet Society of China.

    Article 31 This Pledge shall be implemented as from the date of its promulgation.


责编:寇维维 来源:央视国际网络

