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Official Name: Canada


National Flag: The National Flag (proportions 2 by 1) consists of a red maple leaf on a white field, flanked by red panels.





Constitution: The "living" Constitution of Canada cannot be found in a single document. It consists of a series of written documents, judicial pronouncements, "unwritten" customs and usages, and other sources. Of the written documents, by far the most important are the British North America Act (later renamed the Constitution Act), passed by the British Parliament in 1867, its amendments, the Constitution Act of 1982, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Canadian statutes also form an important "written" source of the Constitution (for example, the laws establishing the Supreme Court of Canada and the original Canadian "Bill of Rights"). Judicial interpretation of these statutes has had a profound effect on constitutional practice, notably on the division of powers between the federal government and the provinces. Since the passage of the British North America Act in 1867, two trends have marked the evolution of the Constitution: Canada has assumed ever-greater autonomy in conducting internal and external affairs, and the provinces have assumed ever greater powers in dealing with the federal government. These two trends culminated in the Constitution Act of Apr. 17, 1982, by which legal control of the Constitution passed from the British Parliament to Canada itself.

Canada is a federal parliamentary state. Under the Constitution Act 1982, executive power is vested in the British monarch, as Head of State, and exercised in her name by a Governor-General and Privy Council.


Location: The second-largest country in the world, Canada stretches across the northern part of North America, excluding Alaska and Greenland. It extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific, and its southern border with the United States is formed along the upper St. Lawrence Seaway and the Great Lakes, proceeding west along the 49th parallel. It is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north and has a northwestern boundary with Alaska. The climate is an extreme one, particulary inland. Winter temperatures drop well below freezing but summers are generally hot. Rainfall varies from moderate to light and there are heavy falls of snow.



Area: 9,970,610 sq. km.

Land use- 4.6% cropland; 2.8% permanent pasture; 36.2% forests and woodland; 56.4% other; arable land per capita- 4.4 acres; coastline- 243,791 km. (includes islands); land borders- 8,893 km.



Population: 31,147,000 (2000).

Density- 3.1 inhabits. per sq. km. (2000); urban pop.- 78.1% (1995); growth rate per year- 1.0% (2000-2010); avg. life expectancy- 79.0 years (2000-2010).


Capital: Ottawa, pop. 1030,000 (1996)


Time: 5 hours later than GMT; 13 hours later than Beijing Time.


Language: English and French are the official languages.


Ethnic Composition: British- 40%; French- 27%; other European- 20%; indigenous Indian and Eskimo- 1.5%; other- 11.5%.


Religion: Roman Catholic- 46%; United Church- 16%; Anglican- 10%; other- 28%.


Currency: 1 Canadian dollar (Can$) = 100 cents; 1 U.S. dollar = Can$1.513 (Mar. 1999)


Holidays (2001): Jan. 1 (New Year). Apr.13 (Good Friday). Apr.16 (Easter Monday), Jul. 1 (Canada Day), Sep.3 (Labour Day), Dec. 25 (Christmas Day), Dec. 26 (Boxing Day).


Administrative Districts: 10 Provinces and 2 Territories.


ʡɶ٣Alberta (Edmonton)

е߸ױʡάǣBritish Columbia (Victoria)

аʡᲮManitoba (Winnipeg)

²ʡ׵˶٣New Brunswick (Fredericton)

ŦʡʥԼ˹Newfoundland (Saint John's)

˹ʡ˹Nova Scotia (Halifax)

ʡ׶ࣩOntario (Toronto)

»ӵʡضأPrince Edward Island

(Charlotte town)

ʡˣQuebee (Quebec)

˹ʡɣSaskatchewan (Regina).


ҮηNorthwest Territories (Yellowknife)

յػ˹Yukon Territory (whitehorse)


Major Cities: Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Quebec, Hamilton, Kitchener, London, Halifax, Windsor, Victoria.

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