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APEC쵼˾ͳʷ 뵺޺˻

ӹ (20021028 11:33)




APEC leaders' statement on North Korea during their 10th annual summit, held this year in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico:

We note the potential for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to benefit economically from the greater participation as a member of the Asia-Pacific community. Such a prospect will rest upon a nuclear weapons-free status on the Korean peninsula. We reiterate our continued support for the nuclear non-proliferation regime. We uphold that a nuclear weapons-free Korean peninsula is important to the peace and stability of the peninsula and northeast Asia, and is also in the interests of all members of the region. We call upon the DPRK to visibly honor its commitment to give up nuclear weapons programs and reaffirm our commitment to ensure a peaceful resolution of this issue.


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  • īС˹˹ʢװӭAPECʢ(ͼ)(2002/10/25/ 15:40)
  • ¼Ӱ վAPECܷв꣨ͼ(2002/10/24/ 13:53)
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